From great value down jackets to quality knives that'll last a life time
The OutDry range from Columbia is an innovation in environmentally-friendly outdoor gear
The Dragon X2 goggles have heaps of style, but are also packed full of tech that'll keep you on the hill in virtually any conditions
Coleman's FyreStorm stove set is a compact and convenient cooking option
Bridgedale take the best from a range of materials to produce this high-tech sock
The 1000 Mile Fusion walking sock can go the distance and keep you comfy...
Leather boots from Asolo that are surprisingly breathable and lightweight
The Adidas Terrex Agravic Alpha Shield is a technical trail running jacket, but one that will look as good on a Friday night in town...
Our round-up of the best deals on down and synthetic jackets
A self-inflating Comfort Plus mat from Sea to Summit which won't weigh down your backpack.
Looking for the ultimate travel bag? The large Base Camp Duffel from The North Face has to be on your radar
Whether you're trekking in the UK or sunnier climes, the AKU Alterra GTX has got you covered.
Want a great waterproof jacket without the extortionate price tag? You'll love the Alpkit Gravitas
The Berghaus Hyper 100 is the waterproof jacket that weighs less than an iPhone
Is the Columbia OutDry Extreme Eco the most environmentally-friendly waterproof jacket ever?
The seriously versatile Arc’Teryx Atom SL Hoody is the ideal layer for your summer adventures.
Whether you’re planning summer ascents, or heading for cooler climbs, the Patagonia Nano Air Lite Hybrid jacket is an essential piece of gear
Being a Stanley product, you can be sure that the Master Series 1.3l Vacuum Bottle is going to be good
Cicerone guidebooks are written by dedicated walkers, mountaineers, trekkers, climbers and cyclists, who are all experts in their fields
The Expeditor Active AQ from Berghaus is a truly excellent multi-purpose shoe.
With its Kevlar knee reinforcements, the Berghaus Fast Climb trousers are as durable as they sound
Designed to take on ultra-marathons, you'll love the Columbia Montrail Trient OutDry Extreme.
If you’re serious about climbing, the Arc’Teryx Alpha FL could be the ideal jacket for you
The Iota headtorch from Black Diamond is a small, simple and effective piece of gear
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