One of the most impressive outdoor gear launches of 2021...
Taking inspiration from bendy buses and flexi-straws, Keen have applied a bold new concept to their big launch for 2021
A very liveable solo backpacking shelter with a sturdy build and plenty of practical features – including the ability to pitch all-in-one for fast set-up...
OM editor Will finds an impressive simple reliability in the Scuffer trousers from Scottish brand Keela
A lightweight and well insulated bottle fit for the demands of the life on the trail
An extremely lightweight women's-specific jacket with three-layer waterproof protection
Packable and light, this is the table you didn’t know you needed
A super tough pack with the versatility to serve all kinds of outdoor adventures
Speedy performance and no compromise on comfort. You don’t see it that often but La Sportiva seem to have cracked the formula here
A cavernous tent that’s perfect as a sociable basecamp for three-season adventures
A cosy jacket with an impressive fill, great features and all at a very decent price
A double-wall insulated vacuum flask designed to keep your water chilled all day long, with LifeStraw’s patented filtration system to protect against water-borne bacteria and...
The Cholatse, an old Lowe Alpine favourite, has now been updated for 2021. Here’s what to expect from it…
A superlight set of poles with no compromise on performance or skimping on features
Petzl’s new lightweight, low-bulk headtorch fuses ergonomic design with a very capable 500-lumen light output, while harnessing the power of the brand’s rechargeable Core battery...
A reusable alternative to single-use plastic; this water filter is a very useful option for refilling and staying hydrated while on the move
A super light jacket with some lovely design features and an impressive fabric
New from Vango, ‘the lightest two skin inflatablet ent in the world’. Here’s how we got on with it
Like a running pack with loads of handy pockets? You’ll love the Montane Gecko VP 12+ then
Montane’s classic Featherlite Smock in back in a modern design
Featuring The North Face’s impressive new carbon plated midsole… and more
An amazingly lightweight, Primaloft-insulated sleeping bag for mountain races and summer adventures
A highly functional walking sandal with colourful styling; Teva have given a fresh upgrade to some classic summer shoes
A quick-to-set-up, two-person tent with a reliable dome-shaped design
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