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News | Young Adventurers Wanted For Lifechanging Expedition To Antarctica

#WeTwo Foundation seeks 10 underrepresented 16-18 year olds for the world’s first carbon negative expedition to Antarctica.

The #WeTwo team is a charitable foundation created by adventurers Phoebe Smith and Dwayne Fields. Their main aim is to inspire and give once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to disadvantaged young people across Britain. It’s about removing barriers and emphasising the ethos that the outdoors is for everyone.

Having fundraised throughout the pandemic, including an expedition across the entire length of mainland Britain; #WeTwo is now able to offer ten underrepresented individuals between the ages of 16-18 to join them on an expedition ship to the Antarctic peninsula in February 2022. Those who consider themselves to be from a disadvantaged socio-economic background are encouraged to apply, though applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

“The ship we have secured places on is Hurtigruten’s MS Fridtjof Nansen, one of the world’s first hybrid expedition vessels, meaning the carbon footprint is the lowest it can be – 20% less carbon is produced than in usual ships,” say Team #WeTwo. “They also have a heat recovery system so that waste heat from engine cooling water is used to keep everyone warm.” 

“We’ve also teamed up with Craghoppers who, as well as sponsoring four places on the trip, will be kitting out the entire team. They are committed to sustainability and are ensuring that all of the kit we use is made from recycled materials and is responsibly sourced.”

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The Team

Dwayne Fields is a Jamaican-born and London-bred adventurer whose main goal is to inspire the youth of today. He is the first black Briton to have walked over 400 miles (in a protest against gang violence and stereotyping) to the Magnetic North Pole, and has since been awarded the ‘Freedom Of The City Of London’ by its Lord Mayor. 

Phoebe Smith is an award-winning travel writer, photographer and broadcaster, to name but a few achievements. From the Everest Base Camp in Nepal, to portaledging in trees in the Bavarian Alps; she has seen her love of the wilderness take her on solo adventures all around the world.

The pair met several years ago on Countryfile Live where they discussed the barriers they faced in the outdoor world and made the decision to team up and change the face of adventuring together. They seek to inspire the next generation to fall in love with the outdoors and become ambassadors for our planet.The aim is to use responsible adventuring as a force of good” says #WeTwo. 

The Plan

Photo: Phoebe Smith

Before the young people go, they will ‘pay it forward’ – not with cash but by committing to take part in initiatives close to home. This will include rewilding projects, removing plastics from saplings, helping clean rivers, beaches and green spaces; they will also share with others the incredible nature and environment that’s on their doorstep, becoming local ambassadors for the environment. The entire team with be planting enough trees to ensure that their trip to Antarctica will be 100% carbon neutral and, in time, carbon negative.  

Once on board the team will be assisting with several citizen science projects including Seabird Distribution with the Antarctic Site Inventory, tracking individual whales and leopard seals, and studying phytoplankton to better understand how they respond to water temperature changes in the polar regions. This will hopefully provide key information in helping mitigate the effects of climate change in the future. 

The aim is to use responsible adventuring as a force of good.”   

“We want them to fall in love with nature and wilderness and understand the relationship between what we do here in the UK and how it affects Antarctica (and vice versa) so that they will fight to protect it”, explains Dwayne.

Finally, we want them to see other career paths that they may never have considered before,” adds Phoebe. “On board will be biologists, ornithologists, geologists, mountain guides and people that they will never have had the confidence or opportunity to chat to before.”

#WeTwo team doing cold weather training. Photo: Phoebe Smith


What You Can Do

The team has launched a nomination form on their website where teachers, social workers, parents, guardians and friends from across Britain can nominate a young person from a disadvantaged background to take part. “We are looking for people who are driven, passionate, and who want to make a difference, not just in their own lives but for the communities in which they live,” says Dwayne.

Two of the young people will definitely be Scouts, mirroring the trip Shackleton attempted to make 100 years ago but sadly never completed. With the help of The Vasey Family Trust, this trip will finally be realised. 

To nominate a young person go to www.TeamWeTwo.com and complete the pop-up form.

Dwayne and Phoebe would love to offer more than 10 places – if you are interested in sponsoring contact them through the website or go to www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wetwo.

 For further information, please contact Team #WeTwo at [email protected].


 Main Photo: iStock/ Photodynamic


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