Why We Chose It: Eco-friendly, multi-functional, 2-stage filtration system
When you’re out in wild places it’s not really possible to lug around masses of water bottles – or it’s not desirable anyway. What’s more, with the plastic problem across the globe, it’s not the most eco-friendly option to be using a number of different contains. The Waterwell Travel, however, enables you to carry just one bottle that is both durable, and can be refilled safely in natural water sources.
Even when water sources look clean and potable, there can be a whole host of microscopic contaminants hidden to the human eye, and regardless of where you are, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to drinking water. That’s where a good water filter comes in.
Who Is The Waterwell Travel Bottle For?
If you’re going on a trip involving lakes, streams, large ponds and the like, the Waterwell Travel Bottle would be a great addition to your kit. Using their ultrafiltration system, you should be able to safely filter and drink from water sources such as these, as well as any suspicious-looking water taps.
The Waterwell incorporates a 2-stage ultrafiltration system tackling particles up to 0.1 microns in size and removing 99.9% of any water-borne bacteria and parasites. This also includes nasty chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and the like, though it won’t cover salt or sea water, minerals, viruses, or all heavy metals (some should be reduced). The filter can comb through up to 1000L of water in its lifetime, roughly equating to 2000 plastic bottles.