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Cooler Magazine X TrailFit | We Went For An All-Female Forest Adventure In The Middle Of London

Check out the UK's first TrailFit workout session with Sophie Everard and KEEN

Is there any better way to spend a morning than adventuring in the fresh air and sunshine, with an amazing group of women?

We got together with KEEN Footwear and 15 sporty people for a morning of female fitness to celebrate the launch of the TrailFit, a fitness movement for all adventure-seeking women who want to spend as much of their spare time as possible outside.

Healthy snacks from LLS provided the group with early morning fuel, before the incredible fitness trainer Sophie Everard took us to Hampstead Heath for an hour of adventure exercise in the middle of London.

Running off pavements towards forest paths, the workout went from high intensity sprints, to forest bear crawls and serious core work, as Sophie proved how exercising in the open air with friends is much more fun than struggling on a treadmill on your own.

Check out the full TrailFit experience in our exclusive video below…

The TrailFit movement is unique from other training sessions. Instead of focusing on body image and intensely tracking fitness goals, Sophie Everard created a workout based on just enjoying your body and movement and appreciating the outdoors.

From using the world around you to build create your exercises, to proving that there’s nothing wrong with getting a bit dirty in the mud, this workout leaves you feeling not only better in your body, but also more comfortable about exercising in the outside spaces around you.

For those of you who can’t make it to any of our TrailFit events, find the first session below. Take it to your local park and experience the TrailFit movement for yourself…


Duration: 60 minutes

  • Light Jog: 500 metres
  • Bound for 50 meters, running with the longest strides you can take, like a triple jumper’s first two steps.
  • Run with “high” knees for 50 meters, lifting legs as high as you can.
  • Skip for 50 meters, trying to get as high off the ground as possible.
  • Sprint for 100 meters, keeping your body relaxed.

  • Bear crawlingforward and back. 5 sets
    Come down on all fours, trying to keep your hands underneath the shoulders and knees underneath hip. Raise the knees up, and start to crawl, using hands and feet to travel. Bear crawl forward for 20 metres and without resting, then bear crawl backward 20 metres.
  • Dead bugs3 sets of 8-12 repetitions
    Lay flat on your back with your hands extended above you toward the ceiling. Bend your knees in 90 degree angle and raise your thighs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Now deeply exhale and embrace your abs to bring your rib cage down and flatten you back onto the floor. Slowly lower the right arm and the left leg down to the floor simultaneously while exhaling, then slowly return to the starting position while inhaling. Alternate sides and continue the movement for three sets.

PUSH UPS 3 sets 8-12 reps

3 variations depending on ability: Beginner, intermediate, advanced options

  • Regressed push up
    This is a push up with hands on raised surface: you can use a bench, wall, higher surface ground.  Start in a normal push up position, with your hands on a raised surface.  Lower down and press up.
  • Explosive push up
    Start in a normal push up position, but with the hands out slightly wider.  Lower down and press up explosively, push quickly and hard enough to get space between the floor and your hands, landing with the hands in a narrower stance. Absorb the landing and then repeat, going from narrow to wide.
  • Raised-Leg Diamond Push ups
    These hit core, shoulders, triceps, chest, and back. Get into a push up position with hands making a diamond shape directly under your chest and raise one leg as high as possible before it bends. Perform 30 seconds of push ups then switch legs.

  • Bird Dog 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Start on your hands and knees, with a neutral spine. Extend a leg and learn how to feel your glutes moving your leg rather than your lower back. Once you can do leg, the extend the opposing arm at the same time.
  • Backward Walking Lunge 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Stand straight and step the right foot back, keeping the weight on the front foot, with both knees drop to 90 degrees. Step back to meet the left foot, and repeat on the other side.
  • Long/Broad Jumps 3 sets of 12-15
    Get into a squat position with the feet shoulder-width apart on a soft surface. Squat down deep and explode up, using your entire body to thrust yourself forward. Land softly on the ground and immediately move onto the next jump.
  • Sprint up hill to end

Fancy joining one of our future TrailFit events? It’s not too late to get a spot. We have another park workout on April 8th in Hampstead Heath and an event in the beautiful Epping Forest on the 22nd.

Click through to this article and enter the competition at the bottom.

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