The Rohan Ventus waterproof jacket is a versatile and thoughtfully designed piece of outdoor gear. It’s aimed at those who need reliable weather protection without sacrificing comfort or mobility and is best suited to year-round hiking and general everyday use in unpredictable weather conditions.
The first thing that stands out about the Ventus is its minimalist, sleek design with clean lines and no excess bulk. I found the fit to be ergonomic and comfortable, providing enough room for layering underneath without feeling oversized or baggy. I liked the articulated sleeves and slightly longer back hem and you get a full range of movement without compromising coverage or protection in wet conditions.

I tried this in a size M and I found the sleeves to be slightly short on me. I have long arms that are 193 cm in total span so a size L – which I tend to normally wear – would’ve been better for me. I’d advise sticking to your normal size with this.
At just over 450g, it’s fairly lightweight for a jacket that offers full waterproof protection and it’s easy to pack down into a small bag or backpack, so it’s a convenient choice for anyone on the go or those who need an emergency rain layer without the bulk of traditional waterproof jackets.
Weather Protection
Wearing the Ventus through periods of heavy rainfall during my tests, it held up well, shedding water reliably thanks to its durable water-repellent (DWR) finish. Made using Rohan’s proprietary Barricade technology, which delivers a high level of waterproofing and breathability, it’s a 3-layer construction that features an inner liner fabric, a PU membrane and then a durable outer shell. This brings full seam-sealed protection from rain and wind while maintaining the kind of breathability you’d expect from a membrane-lined jacket. Rohan state that it has a hydrostatic head of 20,000 and a breathability rating of 20,000 (MVTR). Those are good numbers, putting Barricade up there with the likes of Gore-tex and Patagonia’s H2No.