It was tweeted about by Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary, talked about on BBC Breakfast and written about it in the FT, the Guardian – even over in the States by the likes of Outside Magazine.
Jasmin Paris’s achievement this year on the 268-mile Montane Spine Race really caused a stir. And quite rightly. Becoming the first woman to win the race, that’s something. Laying down the fastest ever race time, that’s something else.
There to capture the brutal foot race along the Pennine Way, ‘the spine of England’, was Harsharn Gill. A previous competitor himself, this year he chose to head there with his camera instead of his trail running shoes. But capturing the competitors is no easy task either, with mountains to climb, brutal conditions to sit through, and relentless runners to keep up with, both day and night.
“The challenge initially was trying to keep up with the front runners as they really don’t hang about,” Harsharn told us. “In the end there were three photographers: myself, Mick Kenyon and Yann Besrest-Butler. We spread ourselves out in order to cover as much of the race as possible.”