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Leatherman Signal Multitool | Review

The Leatherman Signal packs the power of an entire toolbox into something that fits in the palm of your hand

Life has a funny habit of occasionally throwing a spanner in the works at just the wrong time. Your washing machine floods the morning of that job interview. You go on an October hike and all of a sudden it snows. Go try to light a small camp fire, only to find your housemate has swapped your matches for Twiglets because they’re the worst person on the planet.

The solution, of course, is to be prepared for anything, but in reality how practical is it to carry around just about every single tool you need to see you out of bother when one of life’s curve balls hit? When you’ve got a Leatherman Signal multitool packed, it really couldn’t be easier. American company Leatherman are so good at producing bomb-proof multi-tools that the company name is now synonymous with being able to fix just about anything just about anywhere.

“The Leatherman Signal multitool really is a bag of tricks with more surprises than Mary Poppins’ handbag.”

In the Signal, Leatherman pack an impressive 19 different tools into one device that, when it’s all packed down, measures just a touch over 11cm in length – roughly the width of an adult palm. Not too shabby for an entire tool kit.

The Leatherman Signal is a multitool that’s designed specifically for life outdoors. Among its 19 individual tools, it includes a super strong high carbon 420HC Combo Knife. It’s a stainless steel blade that’s ideal for anything from whittling emergency tent pegs to getting the skin off turnips (or somewhat fleshier food, if that’s your bag). There are two different wire cutters, one specifically for hard wires, both of which are replaceable.

There’s a saw blade, individual can and bottle openers for when you’re ready to refuel with post-hike beers, a ferrocerium rod for starting fires, a designated hammer – which is always preferable than using a rock, or the heel of your boot – and a safety whistle for attracting attention and communicating when the bad stuff really hits the fan.

The Leatherman Signal packs an impressive 19 tools into one hand held package. Photo: Chris Johnson.
The combo knife in the Signal is super strong thanks to its high carbon construction. Photo: Chris Johnson.
Use the attached ferrocerium rod to ignite your kindling when you're short of matches or a lighter . Photo: Chris Johnson.
Packed in its case, the Leatherman Signal Multitool is the most compact but complete toolbox we've seen. Photo: Chris Johnson.

On top of this seemingly never ending collection is a wire stripper, both needlenose and regular pliers, an awl tool (or spike) with thread loop, a quarter inch hex driver, a bit driver, a quarter inch box wrench, a carabiner, a three-sixteenth inch box wrench, and a diamond coated sharpener for keeping those blades in tip top form (and, let’s face it, who doesn’t love a diamond).

Complete with Leatherman’s DLC (or Diamond Like Coating), you know this tiny little multitool, with more surprises than Mary Poppins’ handbag, is going to be an essential bit of kit, wherever your adventures take you.

Leatherman Signal Multitool

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