What I look for in outdoor trousers is primarily freedom of movement. With stretchy fabric and articulated detailing at the knees, the Klättermussen Misty 2.0 women’s hiking trousers provide that. I also look for a good level of comfort around the waist when carrying a heavy hiking backpack. I have been using these trousers for long, hard days with my mountain rescue team participating in searches over challenging terrain. These days typically involved carrying heavy packs weighing over 20kg around the hillside. The well thought through detailing of the trousers around the waist had no points that dug in, making them very comfortable to wear. Read on to find out more about how they function.
What the Klättermusen Misty Are Best Suited To
If you are planning hiking, scrambling or a mountaineering trip, then these are worth considering. The lightweight, stretchy fabric makes them feel really comfortable when lifting your knees high to step across boulders or hiking up steep terrain.

They are best suited for use in fairer, summer temperatures due to the thinner softshell material. In more exposed locations you can still rely on the wind resistance of these trousers. I found them more than suitable for mountain ridges.
The Misty 2.0 trousers are exceptionally stretchy and have articulated knees. I took them rock climbing and found they performed really well when stepping up high for footholds.
There is no adjustability at the waist, but a belt could easily be fitted through the loops provided if needed.