Black Friday 2024 | Find the Best Outdoor Gear Deals
How to bag yourself a quality gear bargain on Black Friday 2024
It’s time to find some of the best Black Friday outdoor gear deals.
Black Friday, which falls on 29 November this year, offers up a great chance to get some huge bargains on the latest hiking gear and equipment. It’s when some of the biggest outdoor retailers will be giving the best outdoor gear deals you’ll find all year round. So if you’re after Christmas gifts and want a cut-price headtorch for a stocking filler, or you’re looking to treat yourself to one of the latest waterproof jacket releases, this is a great time for it.
And this page is where you’ll find all of the best Black Friday kit deals. We’ve gone through the offers at Cotswold Outdoor, Go Outdoors, Ellis Brigham, Blacks and more to get the scoop on the cut price deals on walking boots, tents, down jackets and everything in between, as well as create our very own personalised list of Amazon deals just for you.
What is Black Friday?
Black Friday comes the day after Thanksgiving and is generally considered the start of the Christmas shopping season. Since the 1950s it’s grown and grown to become the biggest day in the commercial calendar for retailers, and combined with Cyber Monday which follows it, it’s the best weekend to start looking for some bargain deals.
Black Friday is on November 29, while Cyber Monday falls on December 2 2024.
Outdoor Retailers with Black Friday 2024 Gear Deals
All the big outdoor retailers are putting on gear deals, and some have even been putting discounts on products weeks before Black Friday. These are just some of the outdoor shops and retailers putting on Black Friday deals.
While there’s some top of the line outdoor clothing here to browse, there’s also some epic deals on outdoor equipment. Including discounted hiking backpacks, there’s also more technical gear like climbing helmets, harnesses and rope up for grabs, as well as high-end avalanche equipment such as probes and transceivers.
Helly Hansen
Editor Will sporting the first iteration of the Verglas Infinity Shell.
We checked out the Verglas Infinity back in 2021, and from what we can tell, the Infinity 2.0 looks to be just as impressive. It’s great to see they’ve still included a large amount of recycled materials too, as well as a PFC-free DWR.
From around-the-town fleeces and tees, to high-tech outdoor insulation; there’s something for absolutely everyone in this black friday sale. We’ve got our eyes on that Deluge Pro 3.0 though which includes more than 75% recycled content and more than 90% bluesign® APPROVED fabric. Pretty cool if you ask us.
In fact, we took a look at the Tentbox XL earlier this year and were very impressed. Editor Will called it ‘a fun, well-made and seemingly long-lasting bit of kit that, I can say from personal experience, does create a memorable, enjoyable and very comfortable holiday.’
We’ve put together some action-packed options here.
Outdoors Magic’s very own list of best Amazon deals on a vast range of gear, from stocking fillers to rucksacks, walking trousers and other outdoor gear goodies galore. There’s a little something for all the family members this year (even the ones you don’t like)!
OM reviewing Rohan products over the years.
The outdoor and travel experts have a Black Friday offer of 20% off everything, as well as free delivery on orders over £50. This sale looks to be a good one for getting all that outdoor clothing – particularly layers – that you’ve been holding off on updating for years.
A massive 50% off in some cases and 30% off winter gear is on offer at Columbia.
Like Rohan, these guys have clothing options galore. There seems to be some pretty epic-looking ski/snow gear this year though, including sturdy winter boots and some very cute snow onesies for the kids.
Ellis Brigham
OM tester Emma reviewing the Summit Pumori earlier this year, now up for grabs in the Ellis Brigham sale.
The respected UK retailer is offering an enormous discount of up to 50% off North Face gear. It’s got pretty much all the winter gear you need for your next alpine adventure, including all the impressive TNF technologies such as FUTURELIGHT, DryVent, FlashDry, and more.
Snow and Rock
Another well-regarded outdoor retailer has an impressive discount of up to 50% off all outdoor gear. It’s worth checking out their environment criteria too – they’ve got some pretty great initiatives available involved recycling your gear, extending the life of your kit through repairs, and more.
A few Decathlon products we’ve reviews over the years: (left) Forclaz Tarp Tent 2-P MT900, (right) Forclaz Windbreaker Softshell Jacket
Alps-based brand Decathlon is offering a considerable discount of up to 50% off Black Friday Deals plus Free Standard Delivery on selected products. All the good stuff.
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